Sculpture – [skuhlp-cher]. the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round.
Sometimes an object jumps out at me. I may find it on a hike, see something along the road someone has discarded, or notice a section of something my husband has discarded. Suddenly an idea begins to form and before I know it, I’m working on a 3-dimensional piece.

Pretty in Pink
Like this Flamingo. While hiking in Acadia National Park, my son came upon this piece of driftwood and exclaimed, “What does this look like?”, and thus was born Pretty in Pink.
Shamans (Click on a thumbnail to begin slideshow)
Click on a thumbnail to begin slideshow. Then click the ‘i’ to see title and description.
Rust & Silk
Copper Ornaments (click on a thumbnail to enlarge or begin slideshow)